We deliver great jobs/great applicants

Everyone’s first day at a new job with a new company is similar. We all have fears: Will I fit in? Will I enjoy working here? Will this company be a good fit for my background? Will it give me the growth opportunity I need?
At Tru-Bridge, we turn those first-day jitters into genuine excitement and enthusiasm for the great job that is waiting for you. We do this in three ways:
Placement with quality companies. There are many recruiters who place qualified and highly skilled individuals in companies where turnover is high, morale is low and the work environment is toxic. Our philosophy is simple: We only place candidates with companies that we personally would work for, thus making sure that you, as our client, will land a position with a company that will treat you right and be there for the long term.
Thorough interview process. It’s important that the company you work for has a good work environment and good employees who work together for the benefit of all. At Tru-Bridge, you, as our client, will go through an extensive interview process to ensure that you are a good fit for the company and that the company is a good fit for you.
It begins with our personal interview with you and continues with a minimum of two interviews at the company looking to hire. You will be introduced to a number of employees and have an opportunity to observe the work environment. Each meeting with a company gives you a better understanding of the company philosophy and work environment, and when a company takes the time to get to know you, you know they are looking for a long-term relationship.
Right position for the right candidate. We all learned at a young age that it’s very difficult to put a round peg in a square hole. At Tru-Bridge we closely review the qualifications and experience of our clients—both the candidate and the company—to ensure that the right person is interviewing for a position. Some recruiters will line up five or 10 potential candidates to interview for a position, wasting the time of candidates and of the hiring company. We don’t waste time—we’re too busy sending the right highly qualified candidate to the right interview. This is one of the reasons companies call us first because we have a reputation for sending candidates with the proper background and experience to interviews.
If you’re not with the right company and have fears about your long-term future, gives us a call or e-mail. Let’s put your qualifications and experience to work in a rewarding career with an excellent company.